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We find investing endlessly fascinating and we share our point of view in our quarterly newsletters - The Scorecard

Join the 600+ others who receive our free quarterly newsletter – “The Scorecard”.   Reading a few of our newsletters is the best way to get to know us and see if GreensKeeper is a good fit for you.  We suggest Scorecard #1 and the most recent edition and as the best places to start.

Recent Publications

Scorecard # 46 – Playing the Long Game

At GreensKeeper, we will stick to buying high-quality companies at valuations that provide our clients with a large margin of safety ...

Scorecard # 45 – Bedtime Stories

"If math were the only thing that mattered, AI would be a threat to [us]. But the math is the easy part. Besides, we have an unfair advantage: our parents read us bedtime stories as children ...

Scorecard # 44 – Farewell, Charlie

… nobody has ever accused me of being humble. Although humility is a trait I much admire, I don’t think I quite got my full share.” Charlie Munger ...

Scorecard # 43 – Quarter Century

We don’t mind the current market environment as we are finding new places to put capital ...

Scorecard # 42 – Skinny Pop

Index returns are discussed ad nauseam but rarely analyzed. The current market rally has been a narrow one and merits a deeper dive ...

Scorecard # 41 – Banking’s Endgame

"Investors are on edge. Rapid interest rate increases are creating stresses in the banking sector... " ...

Scorecard # 40 – Reversals of Fortune

"There are a million ways to get wealthy… but there’s only one way to stay wealthy: some combination of frugality and paranoia” ...

Scorecard # 39 – Get a Grip

As the Oracle of Omaha himself so aptly put it, value investing is simple, but not easy ...

Scorecard # 38 – Funiculì, Funiculà

Funiculì, Funiculà The Value Fund is down -9.2% year-to-date (YTD), more than half of that decline coming in the month of June. The bear market has officially arrived with the S&P500 off to its worst start in over 50 years. People holding more speculative assets like cryptocurrencies, have likely suffered ...

Scorecard # 37 – The Golden Rule

"Buy quality companies when they are on sale. Avoid leverage, folly and big mistakes that set you back. It is simple, but not easy.” ...
