
At GreensKeeper, we aren’t just your investment manager, we are your financial partner.

Our employees have a significant portion of their own money invested alongside our clients.

Investment Philosophy

Our investment approach focuses on the preservation of our client’s capital.

GreensKeeper is an independent, owner-managed asset management company. Our offering is based on a time-tested value-investing methodology.

Who We Are

We are clients of the firm. We have spent over 30 years in the professional services industry. We believe in an investment style that prioritizes the preservation of capital and attractive growth.

What We Look for in An Investment

We invest in companies that possess a durable competitive advantage when they are being undervalued by the market.

Our Clients

Our clients share our view of patient, prudent investing for the long-term.  Many invest with us in their registered accounts (RRSPs, RESPs, TFSAs, etc.). Almost all of our new clients are referred to us by existing clients.

Dr. Erin Ray
Anesthesiologist - Royal Victoria Hospital
"My family has known Michael for over 25 years and we have invested in the Value Fund. He has a track record of success and we sleep soundly at night knowing that he is growing our investments safely."
Erik de Witte
Entrepreneur, Former President - TD Financing Services
"I have known Michael for over 15 years and consider him a valued and trusted adviser.  His prudent investment approach for the long term that ignores the short term market volatility is the reason we have invested much of our long term savings with him."
Peter McDonnell
Retired, Former President - Adcom Inc.
"Michael has a conservative yet productive approach to selecting companies to invest one's hard earned cash. I will be increasing my level of funds with Michael."
Timothy A. Brown
President & CEO – ROI Corporation
“We began investing with GreensKeeper in 2013.  A large portion of our three grandchildren’s education money is guided by Michael McCloskey and his patient advice.  We have a long-term view towards investing and trust in the fund’s risk aversion strategy for preservation of capital.  I recommend GreensKeeper to my friends and family.”
The foregoing testimonials are from existing GreensKeeper client families and may not be representative of the views of all people or investors.  Certain testimonials were provided unsolicited and others were provided by request.